Why We Do It

Mission Statement
The Ygnacio Valley High School Alumni Scholarship fund is a program benefiting academically-talented, highly motivated Ygnacio Valley High School seniors who have demonstrated financial need, social commitment, academic excellence and leadership potential.

Financial Goal
Our goal is to grow the fund account to a point where it is a self-sustaining and perpetual endowment, providing annual scholarships from investment income.

Community Goal
Our scholarship recipients are students whose records reveal a strong social concern for their immediate or larger community.  We believe that our recipients are young people who will use their success to help in meaningful ways our community and society.

Getting Involved
The fund welcomes your participation in our efforts.  We encourage you to become actively involved in helping to promote the fund and seek financial donations.  If you would like to offer your time or services, please don’t hesitate to contact our chairman, Ron Schwab.