Emily Slaughter

Emily Slaughter

“This job has taught me many things; for instance, how to deal with difficult people, pressure and how not to treat others. I also discovered the difficulties of running ones own business and the high stress caused by it. However, I would like to have my own business someday too. My dream is to own a store that is part thrift store, part consignment store. Looking back, I realize this job has been a very important learning experience for me because I’ve learned so many lessons about life”.
Emily Slaughter
Scholarship Recipient

“ Emily is ahead of her time. She seems to value her independence and solitude, yet she works well with her classmates. Her maturity makes her an excellent leader, but she never exudes an air of over confidence or arrogance. She has an acute sense of language, and can pick up its subtleties and nuances in both poetry and prose”.
Catherine Cunningham
YVHS English Teacher

“ While employed at the studio, I have had the opportunity to observe her commitment to her academic studies and extra-curricular volunteer activities. Emily successfully juggled academic, community and vocational responsibilities”.
T. Dirk Wentling
Wentling Studio