Ruslan Gurvitz
“I started volunteering at Mt. Diablo Medical Center in Concord, CA because it was just across the street from my residence at that time….I soon added another hospital to my volunteer resume: John Muir Medical Center. In addition to working 40 hour weeks to support my family, I spent twelve hours each week giving back to my community at two different hospitals. At John Muir Medical Center, I volunteered in the Pediatrics and Rehabilitation Departments and created the Infection Control Volunteer Pod….I also interpreted from Russian-to-English and English-to-Russian. At my school, I have initiated and managed projects that raised funds for Autism Speaks, UNICEF, American Cancer Society, and National Stroke Association…..Community service and volunteerism is a major component of who I am today. Helping my community molded me into a leader. I gained experiences and memories that will last my entire life”.
Ruslan Gurvits- Scholarship Recipient
“I am a Registered Nurse at a local San Francisco hospital. I met Ruslan at the John Muir Medical Center while he was volunteering there….Although he is only 17 years old, he is much more prepared than most college seniors I have met in my entire career for a professional career…..I would also like to add on the fact that Ruslan was a Cal-HOSA State Officer in addition to being President of the Warrior Power Lifting Club, and an officer of other organizations. He is truly a beneficial asset to our community”.
Sasha Mokevich
“While the list of what makes Ruslan extraordinary and apart from other students is extensive, what is most significant is how Ruslan consistently concerns himself with the well-being of others, making selfless decisions on a daily basis. This character trait transcends family, school, student organizations, and volunteer experiences…I whole-heartedly believe that Ruslan’s dedication to others and caring attitude will lead him to a successful career in medicine. He will make a great patient advocate. He is truly deserving of consideration of your wonderful scholarship”.
Janet Gower
California Teacher of the Year 2002