Mario Jose
“My experiences at YV have led me to go to Fullerton College then transfer to Berkley
College of Music to major in Vocal Performance and also get my teaching credentials so
maybe one day, I will be able to pass on my knowledge and become an inspiration to
students of my own.”
Mario Jose
“This year I have had Mario in my Leadership class. He serves the school as Rally
Commissioner currently. I have to tell you that replacing him next year will be a daunting
task. Mario is also an outstanding musician, both vocally and instrumentally. He has been a
huge part of the success of both the marching band and the Madrigal choir. Finally, and most importantly for me, Mario is an outstanding person….Mario has one of the best attitudes and kindest hearts of any of the students I have known in almost a
decade of teaching.”
Sandra Spaulding- Director of Activities YVHS
“Needless to say, we gave him a repeat opportunity in 2005 and have asked him to open the Park Festivities for this year’s Fourth of July celebration by singing the National Anthem. In our estimation, Mario is a strong representation of what is good in today’s
youth and he serves as an example for others to take risks, to volunteer, and to make a
Jim Bonato- President, Pleasant Hill Fourth of July Commission